Friday, December 5, 2008

Beauty From Ashes

I am distraught.

My stomach is churning.

My heart is breaking
This afternoon my beloved sanctuary caught on fire. The news shocked me, my church family and many others in our community and beyond.

Next week is the date for our 25th Annual Life of Christ in Living Pictures, a presentation anticipated by folks for miles around. For 25 years we have heard people tell us their Christmas season would not be complete without coming to Immanuel to see Living Pictures.

Last night we had piano dress rehearsal. During practice I may cut up and be silly, but once we don costumes something changes. There is true joy to see the baby “Jesus.“ I feel a sense of awe during his miracles and excitement at his entry to Jerusalem. Each time I hear the mallet strike the spikes I cringe and shudder. As I sing on stage, I know “Jesus” is on the cross behind me. When he is lifted off the cross and carried down the aisle I am overcome with sorrow and shame. When Jesus ascends to heaven, surrounded by precious angels I am not just singing The Hallelujah Chorus, but praising my God with hallelujahs!

This place, which underwent transformation several weeks ago from a beautiful blue and white sanctuary to Biblical-times temple and house is now transformed again into charred and smoky confusion.

My family and I made our way to Immanuel this evening. The roads were still cordoned off. The flashing lights from the fire trucks lit the dark night, their red blinks the only lights began shining on the dark steeple. One section of a stained glass window was broken out to enable the fire fighters to run water hoses into the sanctuary. There was yellow caution tape strung from tree to tree.

The fire was out and the firefighters were wrapping it up so I ventured as close as I could, heart pounding, pulse racing. Someone had a flashlight and began shining it through the broken window. It looks like a war zone from an old black and white movie. The tubular, organ pipes surrounding the choir loft - gone. In fact, it looks as if the choir loft is devastated. Parts of the LP set still stand, but scrim and curtains are no longer. There was not much else to see, just the soot covering the small section of wall visible from my vantage point.

We knew there was nothing we could do by going to Immanuel, but had an overwhelming need to be there. Small groups of members stood comforting each other, holding on, hugging, trying to make sense of our loss.

We have much to be grateful for. No one was hurt. Immanuel is a very busy place with a preschool and after school programs. But God is good! Preschool was over for the day with the exception of a small “lunch-bunch” group, and the after school program had not started. We host holiday school programs in our sanctuary, but not today. Next week the church would be full with members and many, many visitors for Living Pictures. It was cold today, but last night was torrential rains. And, luckily the rest of the building is intact.
My Sanctuary

My respite.
The place I regained my sense of self-worth.
So much to be grateful for, yet my heart still breaks. My church is the community of people called Immanuel, but this building is my second home.

This year our Advent lessons center around the displacement of the characters in the Christmas story. I have immersed myself in their stories for weeks by first writing a devotional for our Advent Devotional Guide, and also by assisting with the Sunday School Advent lessons.

Now God is taking us out of our beautiful and comfortable “home.” He is changing our plans. Right now we don’t know where we’ll meet on Sunday morning. We don’t know what will happen with Living Pictures. We don’t know what it will take to restore our loss. We are left not knowing, but having to trust Him.

Oh, the irony!

Oh, the Displacement!
This year we will all view the Christmas season through new eyes. We will all feel the displacement of a season full of the unknown. But, just like Mary and Elizabeth, Joseph, the Shepherds on the hill, and Jesus, we will find that God gives us community for the journey. Like Mary and Elizabeth, Joseph, the Shepherds on the hill, and Jesus, we will grow stronger by leaning on God to supply our needs. And in return, He will give us hope, peace, joy and love.

To see pictures click HERE


Erin said...

thank you for writing what I didn't have the words to say.

my post is coming ... hopefully tonight.

Love and hugs, girlfriend. We will be ok. God is with us; our name proclaims that.

Kayla Renae said...

Those are exactly the words i needed to hear. Thank you for taking your time to write this for all who need it. It was very helpful. You are in our prayers everyday. Keep on writing. <3, Kayla Joseph

LeeBird3 said...

OH my terrible! Do they know what happened to cause the fire?

I feel badly for your congregation...but the Immanuel hasn't gone anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Thank God no one was hurt! How amazing. Where did the fire originate and how did it start?