I drive past the location every morning on my way to the post office. I watch to see what is happening at that spot. Last spring trucks showed up and started hauling off debris. Then earth-movers began digging and moving big piles of dirt. One day large bundles of cement blocks, bricks and other building supplies showed up. For months it was a huge, seemingly chaotic mess! I didn’t see any progress being made, just piles of stuff being moved around.
Then, almost overnight it emerged. One day nothing; the next a retaining wall and a foundation. The walls began to go up and it has been steadily taking shape ever since.
My life is like that construction project. I thought I had it all planned out. But, it just wasn’t working, it became dilapidated and neglected. In time, my life was empty, and remained that way for a long time.
Then God went to work. He tore down my defenses that were housed behind a crumbling façade of self sufficiency. For a long time my life seemed in complete turmoil. There were big piles of dirt unearthed and on display for curious on-lookers. It was a hard and painful season spent in a very public, empty and muddy lot with a big hole where my heart should have been.
But building blocks love and faith were delivered. A firm foundation was poured. Slowly, order began to take place and my life, built on the Rock, began to develop.
Unlike the structure being built on the busy corner, my life is far from complete. God will continue to expose, and tear down the parts of my life that are not pleasing to Him. In their place He will help to build the character which grows me more and more like Him.
There are no words superlative enough to express my thanks to God. He loves me so much He took my old self and, like a brilliant architect, redesigns and transforms me to reflect His glory. I will forever be grateful.

1 comment:
You are so gifted with words.
I love that you said there are no words superlative enough....
We've gotta get more people to your blog. They are missing out!
I don't think I've told you lately, but you are dear to my heart.
God is doing some major reconstruction in me right now, and it's so comforting to know I have sisters loving me all over the place! I can remember standing next to you in that hallway when we were getting signed up for writer's critique groups. And that's the only time I've been in your physical presence...but I am so glad God has given us a friendship through the blog and through our writer's critique group regardless of how fledgling it is.
You are a blessing to me, and I love you. Lee
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