After church last Sunday, Phil and I joined my sister Susan, her husband Craig, and my sister Bonny - sans her husband Richard, who WAS working, in a short jaunt to a winery in Southern Illinois. Although Phil and I live on the same little private gravel road as Susan and Craig, and Bonny and Richard, (not to mention my mom and sister Kathy) there is never enough time to squeeze in any leisurely visitin’, so this was a rare treat.
We drove for about an hour, the boys in the front keeping up with the golf scores or the upcoming football game between UK and U of L. Or maybe they were listening in to us girls in the back while we were busy catching up with each others’ lives and kids - and of course, cute shoes.
It didn’t take long before we were turning off the highway and looking for Lick Creek Road. You know you’re in the midst of God’s country when you’re on a road named Lick Creek. We drove up a narrow, twisting road, keeping an eye out for the entrance into Blue Sky Winery.
After a short while we began to see vineyards dotting the countryside…And there it was, the Tuscan-style gate into the winding drive that led to the winery. As we drove in we could see the terracotta tiled roof atop the stone-looking façade of the building. The parking lot was full and we were directed to the supplemental parking next to long rows of net-covered grape vines.
As soon as we got out of the car we could hear guitar music, talking and laughing coming from the courtyard area. We made our way to the entrance and paid our $2 deposit for a wine glass, and $1 for five tokens allowing us the opportunity to taste up to five different wines. Folks were crowding around the bar where the bartenders were furiously pouring each allotted taste.
The indoor tables were taken so we made our way to the patio. It was a picturesque setting and a beautiful, if hot, day. Above our heads it was almost perfectly clear with only a few puffs of small clouds floating in the azure sky. The green grounds sloped down toward a pond. There was a lovely little portico overlooking the water, and a bit further was a rock feature with a peaceful waterfall.
The winery was a picturesque place to spend the afternoon. But for us, or at least for me, it wasn’t about the surroundings, or the wine, it was about hanging out together. Being with my family is so comfortable. There is constant current that keeps us connected, in sync with each other so conversation is always easy and the only effort required is in trying to outdo each other with inside jokes.
Here is my nerdiness raring it’s head; I love my family and I truly enjoy spending time with them. There is no need for us to have false pretenses. We know each other too well to be fooled by masks we often try to hide behind. But more importantly, masks are not needed. With my family I am free to be myself and still be confident of their unwavering love, as I too love each of them unconditionally.
I was sorry to see the afternoon end so quickly. It’s hard to leave a party when you’re still having fun. It made me think of a hymn that we sing at our church from time to time:
Blessed be the tie that binds,
Our hearts in Christian love.
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
Wouldn’t it be lovely for everyone to love, and be loved in this same manner?
And then God sent me a little “thwack” across my mind, as He does from time to time to get my attention. I know this kind of love sounds impossible and in our small human minds it is. Yet that’s exactly what God calls us to do. God is the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love, and knowing that, the fellowship we all share together should be like to that above.
John 15:9-12 (NIV) As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
You are a poet....Reading this blog post makes me excited for my trip to MS/LA to see my auntie, my sister, and my mom and I fly out the last Friday of September! Yippee!
Hi Joan... Your blog is lovely!! Ive been reading it since you sent me the link..youre a wonderful writer!
I was so surprised to see you sister is MRS. BONNY!!!! She was the kids pre-school teacher last year, and they absolutely LOVED her....not surprising that you and her are related, both gentle sweet spirits! Hope you are well. God Bless Chris
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